Hult International Business School brought up more than one generation of successful and knowledgeable businessmen. Hult graduates are taken on internships and subsequent work by such companies as IBM, Google, Coca-Cola and many other companies with a worldwide reputation.
Today, Oksana Fyodorova, a member of the Hult International Business School Admission Committee, has kindly greed to answer our questions. Oksana has been working at Hult since 2009 and knows absolutely everything about the school, as she successfully completed one of the programs of the business school.
Oksana Fedorova received a bachelor's degree from the Queen Mary University, London. Today, besides her favorite work, Oksana is fond of mountain hikes and classical ballet.
- Hello, Oksana! Thank you for taking the time for the interview.
- Hello! I am always glad to talk with you and tell entrants from Uzbekistan about our international business school.
- Then let's begin. Could you please tell us about the mission of Hult business school?
- Globalization has changed everything that surrounds us today, including education and career opportunities for young people. Now I observe that it is very acute, that something new is needed: ideas, thinking, reluctance to always accept the status quo. In order to succeed in international business today, one's instincts are not enough. It is necessary to have a vision that does not have country borders, the desire to learn from one’s own mistakes and be able to rely on one’s partners. That's why Hult International Business School still exists. That is why our business school differs from others. Hult - this is exactly the place where future world leaders are prepared, and the modern youth chooses this kind of education, the results of which can be felt and understood right away. For example, studying on the program, to live in 3 world capitals within a year.
- What are students taught to at Hult?
- We train future specialists in the field of entrepreneurship, management, marketing, finance and statistics. Moreover, our students start getting knowledge even before the beginning of training at the business school, and do not finish it right after the graduation. Any Hult graduate can come to the campus once a year and go through the course of the subject of interest for free! This allows not only to refresh or replenish one’s knowledge, meet with former classmates, but also get acquainted with new people. In addition, we also help students develop their personal qualities, for example, the ability to work effectively with people from different countries, be an excellent speaker and speak to the public. Many of our students speak 3-4 languages, and we also support those who would like to learn a new language, for example, we offer free classes of Arabic and Chinese languages in some of our campuses.
- We know that in addition to full-time teachers, the business school also invites guest lecturers. Tell us about this practice in teaching more.
- We are rightfully proud of our permanent teaching staff, as well as invited lecturers. 80% of our students give the highest assessment to the quality of their teachers. Students always appreciate it when there is the opportunity to listen to prominent representatives of different industries and have the opportunity to ask them questions. Some examples of our invited lecturers: Steve Forbes, the founder of Forbes Media; Bill Clinton – the 42nd US President; Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia; Muhammad Yunus – a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate; Mukhtar Kent, the chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola, and Paul Polman, the CEO of Unilever. And these are just some examples.
- Indeed, they are outstanding entrepreneurs!
- Yes. It is also important that such lectures motivate our students very much.
- Oksana, reveal a secret, how does Hult help students to succeed after graduation?
- As I have mentioned earlier, we start helping our students with career building before they start their studies, thanks to the specially created Career Fast Track Program - from acquaintance with the world trends of the labor market up to the skills of writing resumes for international companies. During the studies, each of our students works with the Career Center toe to toe, which helps them feel confident during interviews with the companies they receive during the studies, use social networks correctly when looking for a job, understand how to build their own brand and be able to promote it on various Career Days and other events organized by us. We are proud that 88% of our graduates receive contracts at prestigious companies already 3 months after graduation. It is also important to note that 66% of international students (not from the US) get jobs in the US, which is certainly the result of the large-scale work carried out by our Career Centers, as well as the opportunity provided by OPT (Optional Practical Training). An interesting immigration category in the US that allows all graduates of American universities to stay in the country for 12 months, already working at a company or establishing their own business.
- Which companies employ Hult graduates?
- Our top employers include such giants as Google, Deloitte, HSBC, JP Morgan Chase, PwC, Microsoft, Porsche, P & G, L'Oreal, Gucci, LVMH, Bloomberg, EY and KPMG. The most popular industries for graduates are consulting, work in government and non-profit institutions, as well as oil and gas industry and healthcare. Top 10 most successful graduates of the Master's program received contracts with a compensation of 163,000 US dollars on average, the average salary for other graduates who do not have previous work experience is $55,000.
- Hult also offers an interesting opportunity – a rotation between campuses during the study. How does this program work for students?
- Rotation between campuses is an opportunity to pass a one-year program in 3 different cities, where Halt has its campuses. For the first 8 months students study in their main campus, and for the remaining 4 months – they can decide for themselves where to go. For example, having started the International Business program in Boston, you can then go to San Francisco or New York, and the last module in summer and Graduation can be passed in London. We offer a rotation not by accident - this is really a huge benefit, not only an opportunity to see the world and get useful contacts in different parts of it. It also gives students the opportunity to understand and compare different business practices and draw conclusions for themselves. After all, you would agree that to conduct business with a partner from England is fundamentally different from a partner from the United Arab Emirates.
- Oksana, in the spring of 2016 you were in Uzbekistan. How was it?
- In spring of the last year, I was really lucky again to visit you in Tashkent. It was already my second trip. And it's no accident - after visiting you for the first time I just fell in love with this place. Almost everything was pleasantly amazing - from the immense cordiality and hospitality of the locals, the most delicious pilaf I've ever tasted, up to the elements of architecture in the city and the atmosphere itself. During the trip, I had a lot of meetings with local representatives of the business elite, as well as those who were only on the way of building their international career. All of them amazed me with their perfect English and open and modern approach to doing business. After this trip to Uzbekistan, I tirelessly told about it to all my colleagues and relatives. Many European friends now also dream of visiting beautiful Uzbekistan :)
- In this case, are you going to visit Uzbekistan again in the near future?
With a great pleasure I will come to you again, but it is necessary to find time in my schedule, which is not always easy :) Now I'm thinking about holding some kind of super interesting lecture at your place, with the participation of one of our Professors. I'm sure such an event will benefit local children, and help better understand what Hult is.
- That's really interesting! We will wait with impatience. Finally, a few words to future students.
- I would like to wish all future students to follow their dream, because only doing something that really brings you pleasure, you can succeed. Do not be afraid to dream and start moving towards your dream. Know your strengths and always know how to present them in time. Each of us has some unique talent that the others do not have. In Hult, we call it a competitive advantage. Therefore, I wish you to find your competitive advantage and be not afraid of using it. I wish everyone success and a dizzying international career!
- Oksana, thank you for such useful information. We wish you every success in your work, and worthy students for Hult School of Business.
- Thank you! Always glad to talk to you!