Strategy of a Winner is to sharpen the knowledge in practice

Magdi Attalla: "Education in the area of hospitality and tourism is an excellent opportunity to start an international career."

Our today's interview guest is Magdi Attalla, the Professor and Dean of the International Department of the University of B.H.M.S. , Switzerland . Mr. Attalla studied in Switzerland, America, England, Scotland, Egypt; has the Professor’s degree in marketing. Huge experience of work allows Mr. Attala to hold meetings, lectures, seminars and workshops, combining theoretical and practical aspects, which makes them really useful and memorable. Mr. Attalla is fluent in English, German and Arabic. He is fond of sports and art.

Today Mr. Attalla shares with us exclusive information about B.H.M.S. and how to succeed after college life.

- Hello, Mr. Attalla.

- Greetings to you and the whole Uzbekistan.   

- B.H.M.S. – a business school with many years of teaching experience in the hotel business. Could you please tell me how the idea of "Strategy of a Winner" is applied in the training concept? 

- The concept of B.H.M.S. education is built on four columns - these are a quality academic education in partnership with the world's leading universities, comprehensively personal development of our students, internships and job placement. Our great value and pride are obligatory annual internships of our students in Switzerland and abroad, which allow our students not only to earn money and experience, but also to develop and temper the character for successful interviews and future career.

- We also know that B.H.M.S. offers double degrees for bachelors and masters. Tell us more about this, please. 

- Our education is for those who plan to travel around the world. Somewhere, a Swiss diploma will be the best argument for an employer, somewhere a British or American diploma will be of great value. For our graduates, this feature does not really matter, because they have a "double" degree. For example, our undergraduate and graduate students receive a degree from the Robert Gordon University of Aberdeen, and MBA graduates - from City University of Seattle.  

- What subjects and skills do students study at B.H.M.S.?

- Marketing, sales, accounting, management, business communications, service, research methods, e-commerce, international business environment, sommelier course, work with personnel, economics, foreign language courses. It is possible to enumerate for a long time, but I think the logic is understandable: we give knowledge that does not limit our students in choosing a future profession and allow them to feel as competitive as possible in the current market. It is important that this knowledge does not remain theoretical - our students annually apply them during paid internships.

- Indeed, much can be learned only in practice. And how long does it last for students?

- Internships take exactly 50% of our academic program. For example, students of the 3-year bachelor's program spend 18 months attending theoretical and practical classes and 18 months for internship. Internships are the best opportunity for yesterday's schoolchildren to "grow up" personally and professionally, to develop skills, to become more self-confident. It is also important that specialists with work experience in Switzerland are highly valued all over the world.

- What is the infrastructure of B.H.M.S.?

- Our main infrastructure is Lucerne, the most visited city in Switzerland. We have: 4 main campuses, 700 student apartments, 30 classrooms and auditoriums, 3 relaxation studios, 2 restaurants, 2 training and one working kitchen, foreign language laboratory. In addition, our students have five buses and minivans for transfers, excursions, trips within Switzerland.

- In your opinion, what is the reason for such a high popularity of Hospitality industry in our days?

- The sphere of hospitality is a "springboard" for many other sectors of the world economy, focused on working with a client. We teach to customer orientation and competitiveness - and this is the dominant world trend today.

- Mr. Attalla, and for what are more reasons why students choose Switzerland and B.H.M.S.? Who are the parents of students?

- The parents of our students are representatives of different spheres of business, entrepreneurs or managers. All of them are united by one thing: they are successful people who wish their children to see the world and find their place in it. Switzerland is chosen, firstly, because it is located in the very heart of Europe, and secondly, because the country is famous for its level of living and safety. And one of the arguments in favor of B.H.M.S is guaranteed internships for their children.

- It’s reasonable. Again, from the point of view of parents, they invest in the education of their children. How much in this case is the payback period of these investments, for example, for the undergraduate program?

- The answer will depend on where a graduate will settle and start working after graduation from B.H.M.S. According to our estimates, in Western European countries, investments return within 2-3 years, in Asia and North America this will take a little longer.

- We know that in the spring of 2016 you first visited Tashkent. How did you like the city?

- Tashkent is a big city with a crazy energy. Very dynamic and friendly. I was pleasantly surprised by this city when I first came here.

- During the visit, you stayed at the Wyndham Hotel, attended various events. In your professional opinion, how would you rate the hospitality industry in Uzbekistan?

- People in Uzbekistan are very friendly by nature and this makes the country hospitable from the point of view of service. As for the hospitality sector from a professional point of view, there is much work to be done here, because this sphere in Uzbekistan is quite young. I think more attention should be paid to qualified personnel training and details, which always form the impression of a guest.

- A very tactful answer. Are there any plans to visit Uzbekistan in the near future?

- I will be glad to come to Uzbekistan again – I think in April 2017.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to invite to the meeting graduates of schools and bachelors with initial experience who are thinking about an international career. The sphere of hotel business is one of the few, really realistic ways for young people of Uzbekistan to make a successful career abroad.

- Mister Attalla, we sincerely thank you for your time. 

-  I was glad to talk. Good luck to you and all the students from Uzbekistan.